Why wear split-sole demi-pointe shoes?
The split sole canvas demi-pointe shoes are designed for intermediate and advanced dancers who have a good mastery of ballet technique. The split sole makes them more flexible along the arch for proper foot movement. The stretchy fabric enhances the lines of the foot and instep. Get your teacher's recommendations before purchasing your dance shoes.
Why choose stretch demi-pointe shoes?
If you're looking for supple demi-pointe shoes that fit the shape of your foot, opt for those in stretch canvas. This stretchy fabric allows for proper foot movement and highlights the instep. The stretch canvas split-sole demi-pointe shoes can be washed by hand and should be line dried. The split soles are made of leather for robustness.
What are the drawstrings for?
We listened to your feedback:
These shoes once again feature a drawstring to help you get a better fit in the width of the shoe. Don't forget to tie and cut this drawstring once you get the fit you want. You should then slip the end inside the slippers each time you wear them. Clever tip: You can also attach it to the inside of the upper with a piece of medical tape.
Are there different ballet shoes for men, women, boys and girls?
Kids and adults should choose their demi-pointe shoes according to their skill level. In general, beginners start with full-sole demi-pointe shoes before switching to split-sole demi-pointes. The difference between girls'/women's and boys'/men's is the colours. Pink and salmon options are recommended for female dancers while white and black are recommended for male dancers.
Choosing the right size
When choosing your ballet shoes, your feet should feel comfortable and not constrained. To check your size, stand up and go up and down on the demi-pointes several times to see how your toes feel.If you have narrow feet, opt for your normal size. If your feet are normal or wide, choose one size larger than normal.
That little extra for carrying your shoes
To organise all your ballet accessories, you'll find an elegant sparkly black pouch in your local Decathlon dance department. It has two compartments for keeping your dance shoes separated from your other accessories, such as your bun kit, rosin and plasters.